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Download yvTransliterate   v.1.2.0, (0.02Mb) last changed: December 06, 2009. What's New
Download yvTransliterate: JoomlaCode, local file (unzip before install).


Short description

yvTransliterate is Transliteration plugin for Joomla! 1.5. The plugin transliterates article titles into aliases, taking into account "Content Language"of the Article (stored in metadata of the Article) and it also transliterates aliases of other elements of Joomla! site interface (menu items, sections, categories...), that are used in Search engine optimization (SEO) for creation of Search engine friendly (SEF) slugs (URLs). List of supported languages/transliteration tables is expandable with Language packs.

Title of the Article and it's transliterated alias As of 2009-02-27 yvTransliterate has transliterations for five languages: Czech, Hungarian, Russian, Slovak and Ukrainian, and it has 'Language pack template', that may be easily adapted for new languages.

The extension may be used for the site, that uses only one non-English language, but it is especially useful and unique for multilingual sites, where different articles are written in different languages (even in one session by single user) and so, should be transliterated by different rules.

It doesn't require any hack to the code of Joomla!'s core: you simply have to install one plugin and as many yvTransliterateLanguagePacks, as you need.

yvTransliterate supports PHP5 only (although it may work under PHP4...).

 Terms of use: Copyright (C) 2007-2008 Yuri Volkov, Moscow, Russia.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

Demo sites: (None yet...)

 Your contribution is needed!

 Troubleshooting and 'Before you begin'

Good luck and let's go!

Upgrading existing installation of yvTransliterate

If you're not upgrading existing installation of yvTransliterate, please skip this section.

The only reliable way to upgrade existing installation of yvTransliterate is to uninstall it (uninstall plugin), and then install new version (as it is described below). To upgrade language pack, you have to uninstall this language pack only and then install newer one.

These are "yvTransliterate plugin" parameters, that are not preserved during upgrade, and you have to set them again after installation. To speed up setting of parameters (and to be sure, that you didn't forget something...), I recommend to open yvTransliterate plugin parameters in new window of your Internet browser before uninstall, leave it open, and use information from this window as a reference for setting parameters of newer version. After uninstallation of old version, installation and configuring of newer one, please close this "reference window". And don't press any buttons on it!

Installation and configuration

1. Installation of Joomla! and it's extension(s)

  1. In a case of any problem during installation, please refer to the Troubleshooting section above.
  2. It is recommended to have Joomla! 1.5.4 (Stable) or newer, because yvTransliterate is not tested to work with earlier builds of Joomla!  (In any case you MUST have at least Joomla! 1.5.3. If this is not a case, do not waste your time trying to install yvTransliterate Smile).
  3. For each yvCommentLanguagePack, that you are planning to install, please install 'full' language pack of Joomla! for this language for Administrator interface, downloading it e.g. from Joomla! Accredited Translations.
  4. Install yvTransliterate itself.
    1. It is required to install "yvTransliterate Plugin"to install (download).
    2. yvTransliterate distribution package contains English language files only, and in fact, this package has no transliterations. So you need to download some of yvTransliterateLanguagePacks from JoomlaCode and install them. (yvTransliterateLanguagePacks should not be enabled!)

Now you may continue to the "Preparing for configuration" below.

2. Preparing for configuration

Before going to the configuration, you have to make some additional steps in Administrator interface (backend):

  1. (None yet)

Now you may continue to the "Step-by-step configuration" below.

3. Step-by-step configuration of yvTransliterate plugin

  1. First thing to do is to open yvTransliterate plugin configuration page: in the menu Extensions->Plugin Manager->click "yvTransliterate" Plugin.
    You will see something similar to the picture to the right.
  2. Sample values of yvTransliterate Plugin Papameters. Part 1 of 1. "Extend content table" - set to "Yes" to allow yvTransliterate to add Article alias transliteration functionality without any patch of Joomla! core.

    How this works:

    1. Plugin integrates itself into the JTableContent::check() function, that is called just before Article (or Comment in a case of yvComment) is saved (after creation/editing).
    2. If alias is not empty, it does nothing (e.g. when user typed alias manually).
    3. If alias is empty, yvTransliterate transliterates article 'title' and puts result into 'alias'.

    So, it works naturally for new articles (if you leave alias empty!) or for old articles, if you clear alias before saving your article.

  3. "Extend JLanguage class" - set to "Yes" to allow yvTransliterate to add another 'hook' into Joomla! core.

    This allows yvTransliterate to transliterate not only aliases of Articles, but aliases of other elements of Joomla! site interface also: menu items, sections, categories... in fact, yvTransliterate works in every place, where Joomla! core calls JLanguage::transliterate method.

    Please note, that in this case yvTransliterate uses current Language of user interface (i.e. of current user) as source Language for transliteration. So, for example, if you want Section alias to be transliterated according to Russian transliteration table, you have to log in to Administrator site (backend) in Russian language.

  4. "Default content language" - If the value of this option was not selected, the language defaults to current Language of User interface.
  5. Group of settings, starting from "Debugging mode" is used in Debugging mode only, so there is no need in them until you can't understand, what's going on.
    Anyway "Transliteration name" should be left empty (so the plugin will use 'default' name).
  6. Enable plugin (in 'Details' box to the left set 'Enabled' option to 'Yes').
  7. Save new configuration of the yvTransliterate Plugin.

Some tips


Your feedback is greatly appreciated!

TODO - Future plans and thoughts

Information for Developers

This plugin is the result of the work, that was started in March 2007 (see the thread). I hoped, that this _real_ Transliteration functionality will be inserted in Joomla! 1.5 core, but it's not there yet (see 'Language slugs transliteration').

yvTransliterate has open and simple interface, that uses special triggered event, so it may also be used by (integrated in) any other Joomla! extension to transliterate text strings.

yvTransliterate is written from scratch specifically for Joomla! 1.5 and it is not compatible with previous versions of Joomla!/Mambo. So it is free to use most advanced features of Joomla! 1.5.

My intention is to build extension, that is as much "natural", native to Joomla, and that uses as much built-in (or existing) features (tools, extensions...), as possible.

You may easily add transliteration functionality to your extensions, just adding special trigger event for transliteration:

$StringToTransliterate = 'E.g. something in Russian: Это текст на русском языке';
$langTagOfStringContentLanguage = 'ru-RU';
$dispatcher =& JDispatcher::getInstance();
$dispatcher->trigger('onTransliterate_transliterate', array(&$StringToTransliterate, $langTagOfStringContentLanguage)); 

You may see full example in 'plugins/system/yvtransliterate/table_content/content.php' file.

Debugging mode of yvTransliterate allows you to see, what and how was transliterated...

"Extend JLanguage class" option allows yvTransliterate to add another 'hook' into Joomla! core. This feature works MUCH more effective under PHP5 (it creates proxy to the JLanguage object instead of creating (and populating...) second instance of JLanguage class (this is done for PHP4).

History of changes

v.1.02 (December 06, 2009)

  1. yvTranliterate code moved to SVN repository, see Joomlacode.org
  2. Debugging was greately improved.
  3. 'Default content language' option was added. If the value of this option was not selected, the language defaults to current Language of User interface (as it was before this release).

v.1.01 (December 12, 2008)

  1. Added another 'hook' into Joomla! core: parameter 'Extend JLanguage class'. Now yvTransliterate may transliterate not only aliases of Articles (or comments in a case of yvComment), but aliases of other elements of Joomla! site interface also: menu items, sections, categories... in fact, yvTransliterate works in every place, where Joomla! core calls JLanguage::transliterate method.
    Please note, that in this case yvTransliterate uses Language of current user as source Language for transliteration. So, for example, if you want Section alias to be transliterated according to Russian transliteration table, you have to log in to Administrator site (backend) in Russian language.
    This feature works MUCH more effective under PHP5 (it creates proxy to the JLanguage object instead of creating (and populating...) second instance of JLanguage class.
  2. Two new translations were added since previous release, see them at JoomlaCode:

v.1.00 (July 17, 2008)

  1. First published version.

(c) 2007-2008 Yuri Volkov, Moscow, Russia